Best Samsung Watch

2021 Samsung galaxy watch 4 and 4 classic

The A-Tech Predator
3 min readSep 26, 2021

It’s the forth quarter, there’s tons of new tech and Samsung is stepping up it’s watch game. Here are the things you need to know about them, including a special Samsung discount code somewhere in there.

The new galaxy watch.

Samsung has released the new watch 4 and watch 4 classic, the new faces from the 2013 original watch first introduced to the public. The new watches are taking a much more focused path with allot of upgrades since the previous model 3.

Design and features.

Previous, Samsung’s watches were on Tizen platform but this year Samsung has made a full switch to the android platform. The new watches are sporting brand new chipsets and larger storage. Samsung has also improved on the sensors for health and fitness tracking, having a much better and much more accurate fitness tracking performance than ever before. The watch also features sleep tracking and snore detection to better help users improve their quality of sleep. The only difference between the watches is the mechanical rotating bezel on the Samsung galaxy watch 4 classic.

With Samsung improving the wear OS, users have a larger access to apps. The watch is also compatible with any android device you so wish to have it with. So why not have a Samsung watch with any device you wish.

The verdict.

Samsung’s galaxy watch 4 lineup is the strongest one you could really look for with support for all android devices and a spec sheet that is really respectable. What would you like me to write about next? Do you like the discount codes? Leave a comment below and please support as I love to give value to people. As promised the link is down below.

Samsung Discount code.

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The A-Tech Predator

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